Trai is the Story Channeler. She is a storytelling expert, PTSD survivor, psychic medium, and energy healer who helps all kinds of folks to better know and rewrite their stories.
From childhood, Trai has connected psychically to what’s beyond the here and now, whether it was spirits who had passed over or stepping into other dimensions, reading the lessons being imparted in dreams and past lives, and clearing the blocked energies in houses as well as in souls. Professionally, she work for 30 years as a screenwriter, filmmaker, and professor, and has channeled storytelling for thousands of writers for decades.
“Stories are where we find our meaning.”
Since the beginning of humanity, we’ve told each other stories to help us know what caves to take shelter in, what plants to avoid, and how to behave in order to do better for our communities. They can be packed with morals and clues, questions and inspire awe.
Since our soul came into existence, our Stories have been recorded, and the patterns of them have been brought forward to each new life. Sometimes we evolve, lifetime to lifetime. Sometimes we get stuck in a pattern that brings only pain and hopelessness.
Sometimes we misinterpret our own stories.
“If we can see it, we can clear it.”
Now Trai is working with those determined to see — and re-envision — the Stories of their lives, past, present and future. Once we understand where the patterns originated, and what keeps them in place, we can better reclaim our space and the direction of our lives.
Are you a Sensitive who wants to better understand and evolve their own stories?